So I'm going to have to cancel my trip to Seattle. I don't see myself getting out of the hospital earlier than Friday. THIS HURTS. I really want to go but this infection hit me at a bad time.
I will be making sure to refund everyone who donated to me.
What sucks is that my ticket is "non-refundable" and so I can only get a credit. As someone on a fixed income, that's money I don't have. (We need to have a conversation about these airlines and how they scam us)
Unless someone knows how to get a full refund for a roundtrip plane ticket, I'll be walking around with a "credit" for a trip.
I wanted to go to include our voices in this conference and join many others who are pushing for a worker-centered system that makes our lives and the lives of our youth a more dignified one. We need equity, equality and real justice for all of us and I will continue to be a part of it. I'd like to thank Dr. Jill Stein and Kshama Sawant for personally inviting me to this conference and I hope we can meet in person and break bread as fellow workers celebrating building community.
I was so happy for you to be able to take part of the happenings in Seattle, I can imagine your disappointment! Can you keep the donations for another event? Get well soon. Best wishes from Italy 🇮🇹
Dear Jaybe, I’m sorry you got sick and will be missing the WSB Organizing Conference. Your voice and presence will be missed. All good wishes for your health and well-being. 💚 Barbara P