Will We Allow Them to Set the Terms of Our Humanity?
Being aware can be a frustrating and depressing thing. Let me clarify… Being aware of all the suffering, pain, strife and tragedy can shatter one's heart which is a frustrating and depressing thing. We're human and we feel for our fellow humans going through this crisis around the world. One thing that troubles me is that we in the West are so propagandized to favor empire that we are talked into negotiating with terrorists who dangle our rights and freedoms in front of our face in exchange to look away as our government strips away the rights and freedoms of other groups and ocean away. Is this who we are? This IS the system, but is it who WE are? Humans are naturally kind and compassionate by nature, but we also are a fearful species. That fear puts us in contention with our deeply held values because we yearn for self-preservation. The realm of political discourse has devolved into fear mongering of which opposing agent of corporate power will do to us if we don't give up our vote to their opponent via political extortion. Look, I'm gay, black, disabled and near the poverty level so I have much at stake here. And it's precisely why I reject both corporate parties and this system because I wear these marginalized hats and they will do -and have done - NOTHING for me and my community. We have been catching hell from both agents of corporations for decades and it's time for a new path to be forged.
Many will say that We are descending into fascism. History would serve you well to know that fascism is at the very beginning of this nation's history. It was fascist to steal land from the indigenous and kidnap a people to force them into chattel slavery. It was fascist to fight a war just to “free” a stolen people only to put them in harsh conditions economically and socially, just to keep economic power divided and away from the workers and build resentment between them based on skin color and phenotype. One of the worst humans in history learned fascism from this very nation and applied it to people who were different in 1930s Germany. The victims were not just Jewish people, but also LGBTQ+, the disabled, Jehovah's witnesses, and socialists & communists. Now we are seeing the same type of sentiments being born from the blue and red factions of a fascist party. Will we allow them to set the terms of our humanity? Will we allow them to force us to barter for crumbs while we look away from genocide in exchange for these crumbs? Are we going to allow them to deny us our power when in reality their denial is really used because they fear the power that we don't realize we have? They have lied to us for centuries and we will no longer stand silent. I hope to see a real change in my lifetime so that the working and poor people see a massive improvement in our lives. I wish for revolution.