Great article. Well reasoned and much needed. Thank you.

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The first statement is very true.... Unfortunately another problem is that many parents simply lack the time and energy to be properly educating their children in this sick Rat Race... Single parents will have it double hard here.

Not all kids are good at self-learning either... Well for that matter you can help them by ensuring they have at least access to books and nowadays the web, and general media putting emphasis on media that is brain or character challenging and fun.

It is, from all I know the chinese teaching model is very different, they in fact teach schoolkids problem solving techniques amongst a high standard general curricula that outbeats ours by not a mile but by continents.... Most people have NO idea just HOW superior the asian education is to ours.

In Persona 3 I got a direct and very good glimpse into a japanese highschoolers life. In fact I would have had to answer some of his question sheets too. And it shocked me, what was highschool level for these kids is university level for us here in the West. Yeah I could correctly answer everything haha, I can tell you for a fact however that at the very least 80%, even of the western adults, would fail here. And quite miserably too... Also keep in mind, Persona 3 plays in 2011, that was about when I had my highschool here in the West too so I have a good and direct comparison. Their curricula is easily 3-4x ours and I am NOT kidding....

Can only agree with the rest...

Edit/addition: As I said the asian curricula is superior, I meant the level of knowledge/edcuation rather then teaching problem solving skills directly. Teaching problem solving skills is a very chinese thing. However do not expect to find that in japanese education for instance. Still, like I said, those highschool students are, for example, taught to and expected to know superconductivity. Something I would have encountered only in UNIVERSITY and only when I SPECIALIZE in natural sciences! Tell me last time you had superconductivity in your regular highschool curricula for example? Exactly we haven´t haha, if anything we have that at university level and only if we SPECIALIZE in natural sciences like I did. Guess what? The character I played in Persona 3 was expected to know what superconductivity is and give the correct answer. Also don´t get me started on language for instance...

On an interesting sidenote: Japanese highschool curricula includes occult classes, and even more interesting is that they are taught a LOT not only about their own but also especialy european myths and legends. I ever since understood why the japanese seem to be so versed at knowing even our european myths, it´s because it is just a part of their very long, intense and rigid curricula.

All this said... Their curricula IS harsh.... Japanese do not even experience something like a full summer break haha nope.... Yes they get, technicaly, a 6 weeks summer break... Not really: It is MANDATORY that all students attend school 2 out of those 6 weeks.... And for the rest there are always optional classes, so essentialy you can study through the entire summer break.... However every student must study/attend school at least 2 out of 6 weeks in said "big summer break".

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